I popped into this world in 1987. Unknown to my parents at the time, I was destined for a life of odd habits, unashamedly geeky interests and dry humour. I wasn't born like this, it took time. I also became a pharmacist along the way, so there's that.
Don't believe a word of what anyone else says, pharmacists can be fun too. The Pharmacy profession is full of weird tales, some of these are hilarious and downright strange. Among pharmacists, you’ll find a fountain of stories and anecdotes that’ll make you laugh and moan. Funny patients, NHS cuts and questionable pharmacy chains, it's all here.
For some reason, I worked at a large pharmacy chain for a few years. Too long, if you ask me. It's an experience I would rate as below medium, on par with a sandwich from a petrol station. These days, I locum for a living. I may be wrong, but working fewer hours while earning more money seems to make sense.
This blog came about as an outlet for my many interests. Not to mention whatever silly stuff I can think of. You'll find me talking about games, toys and comics, because mentally I'm still not quite an adult.
It started out as an eclectic (see: random) collection of stories but has haphazardly grown to encompass my professional life in the world of Pharmacy.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog.